Please note that this comment form is for the purpose of submitting a comment to the Washington State Department of Ecology. Commenter contact information is optional. Contact information is necessary if you want to receive future notices or responses related to this topic.
Ecology is overseeing a cleanup of the C L Auto Repair cleanup site in the Beacon Hill neighborhood. Estelita’s Library, a non-profit in Seattle, is doing the cleanup.
We would like your comments on the following documents:
Prospective Purchaser Consent Decree (PPCD): a legal agreement that directs the purchaser(s) to implement cleanup at the site and provides the purchaser(s) a settlement of liability.
Public Participation Plan: a document that explains how people can participate in the cleanup process.
Ecología está supervisando la limpieza del sitio C L Auto Repair en el vecindario de Beacon Hill. Estelita's Library, una organización sin fines de lucro en Seattle está haciendo la limpieza.
Nos gustaría recibir sus comentarios sobre los siguientes documentos:
Decreto de Consentimiento del Comprador Potencial (PPCD, por sus siglas en inglés): un acuerdo legal que ordena al comprador a implementar la limpieza en el sitio y proporciona al comprador un acuerdo de responsabilidad.
Plan de Participación Pública: es un documento que explica cómo las personas pueden participar en el proceso de limpieza.
Ecology 正在监督 Beacon Hill 附近的 C L Auto Repair 清理场地的清理工作。西雅图的非营利组织Estelita’s Library 正在进行清理工作。
Contact Information
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Thank you for subscribing to the C L Auto Repair: PPCD and Public Participation Plan mailing list.
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Please note that this comment form is for the purpose of submitting a comment to the Washington State Department of Ecology. Commenter contact information is optional. Contact information is necessary if you want to receive future notices or responses related to this topic.
Ecology is overseeing a cleanup of the C L Auto Repair cleanup site in the Beacon Hill neighborhood. Estelita’s Library, a non-profit in Seattle, is doing the cleanup.
We would like your comments on the following documents:
Ecología está supervisando la limpieza del sitio C L Auto Repair en el vecindario de Beacon Hill. Estelita's Library, una organización sin fines de lucro en Seattle está haciendo la limpieza.
Nos gustaría recibir sus comentarios sobre los siguientes documentos:
Ecology 正在监督 Beacon Hill 附近的 C L Auto Repair 清理场地的清理工作。西雅图的非营利组织Estelita’s Library 正在进行清理工作。
Contact Information
*Indicates Required Fields